Feature #71
openEnable large Attachments
currently the attachment size is limited by the Web Server Max post body size. This shall be handled more elegant:
1. The server shall set the max upload size as a parameter value and send it to the client at login time.
2. The server shall be able to receive Message attachments in multiple (chunked) requests
2. The client shall chunk larger attachments and send multiple requests
3. larger attachments shall not be downloaded by the client by default --> the standard message request contains a link only
4- The server shall provide a function to download an attachment of a message
5. The client must indicate if there is a large attachment and provide a function to download it.
Updated by Sancho Fock over 1 year ago
- Target version changed from open to 0.6.x
Updated by Sancho Fock over 1 year ago
- Due date set to 11/29/2023
- Start date changed from 11/07/2023 to 11/29/2023
- Follows Refactoring #82: Refactoring 0.6 added
Updated by Sancho Fock over 1 year ago
- Precedes Feature #72: Enable speech messages added
Updated by Sancho Fock over 1 year ago
- Due date changed from 11/30/2023 to 12/05/2023
Updated by Sancho Fock over 1 year ago
- Follows deleted (Refactoring #82: Refactoring 0.6)
Updated by Sancho Fock about 1 year ago
- Due date changed from 12/05/2023 to 01/02/2024
- Start date changed from 11/30/2023 to 12/28/2023
- Follows Support #78: Deploy 0.5 added
Updated by Sancho Fock about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from 0.6.x to 0.5.x
1. Drop.addMessage select and return neue msg id
2. Responsbody Klasse für PutMessage Esponse incl. neu msg id
3. servlet.put neue id zurückgeben
1. neue Responseklasse implementiern
Neues Feature PATCH
1. neues Requestobjekt enthält #teil und Teileinsg
2. implement Patch --> put all parts to the session (202)until all parts are uploaded (201)
3. on 201 update message
1. in add message check content size
2. if content < 150k wie bisher, sonst putmessage ohne blob
3. dann Split blob content und upload parts
Updated by Sancho Fock about 1 year ago
- Follows deleted (Support #78: Deploy 0.5)
Updated by Sancho Fock about 1 year ago
- Precedes deleted (Feature #72: Enable speech messages)
Updated by Sancho Fock about 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Start date changed from 01/04/2024 to 01/01/2024
- % Done changed from 0 to 10