I have nothing to hide!

A sentence, that you hear often when the discussion is going towards security regulations or surveillance attempts that endanger privacy rights. Why this is wrong at may levels: The What is “good” and what is “bad” Problem Well if you ask yourself the question, if you have something to hide, then you will judge this I have nothing to hide!

Stop scanning me

I am supporting the „Stop scanning me“ initiative, as I already pointed out earlier. However, if my arguments didn’t convince you, maybe this video can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViirnWnoreA So if you are convinced, sign the Petition. I Already did so https://civicrm.edri.org/stop-scanning-me

The Solution

I have been thinking about this idea of transfering the dead drop idea into the digital world further and the result is: The dead drop messenger and the dead drop API Server. While I have just released the Version 0.1 not all of the desired features are complete or completely tested jet. But I do The Solution

The Idea

My little bit is to help anyone to gain secure anonymous communication. Because even if: Governments may do bad laws, we can still protect ourselves to let those evil laws run dry. And additionally: If 46% of the worlds population does not have access to privacy rights. But I beleive, they should have it. And The Idea