I have nothing to hide!

A sentence, that you hear often when the discussion is going towards security regulations or surveillance attempts that endanger privacy rights. Why this is wrong at may levels: The What is “good” and what is “bad” Problem Well if you ask yourself the question, if you have something to hide, then you will judge this I have nothing to hide!

Stop scanning me

I am supporting the „Stop scanning me“ initiative, as I already pointed out earlier. However, if my arguments didn’t convince you, maybe this video can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViirnWnoreA So if you are convinced, sign the Petition. I Already did so https://civicrm.edri.org/stop-scanning-me

Dead Drop Security

Any communication with the dead drop server is secured with HTTPS, It is impossible to track who is communicating with whom through Dead Drop. This is due to the fact, that the dead drop messages do not contain any information about the recipients. Even a meta data analysis on IP level will never reveal, who Dead Drop Security

The Idea

My little bit is to help anyone to gain secure anonymous communication. Because even if: Governments may do bad laws, we can still protect ourselves to let those evil laws run dry. And additionally: If 46% of the worlds population does not have access to privacy rights. But I beleive, they should have it. And The Idea